Contact Improvisation Workshop with elements of BMC® – Angelika Mizińska / August 3-4

Contact Improvisation Workshop with Elements of BMC®
Soft power, Fluid Resistance and Spatial Dynamics
I invite you to explore our internal ecosystem of fluids, which will be a starting point for researching ways of dealing with gravity and space in motion. We will immerse ourselves in the fluid nature of our physicality, swirling in spherical space, becoming accustomed to falls, learning to pour our bodies upside down and float on waves. We will discover new movement dialogues with the forces of physics, to move more consciously and safely through space, both solo and with others.

We will change the consistency of our fluid bodies to support dynamics, play with rhythm, and maintain a fluid structure during contact improvisation. We will draw from various states of presence characteristic of the fluids in our bodies to see how they can be a foundation for communication in movement. In different qualities and dynamics of flow, we will oscillate between rest and activity, tension and relaxation. We will become familiar with spirals and multidirectional movement, navigating the networks of fascia. In flying, we will seek the lightness and suspension characteristic of cerebrospinal fluid, and in lifts, the groundedness and energy of our blood. All of this, to easily navigate space, transform our improvisation, and practice presence in the unpredictability of contact improvisation.

During the workshop, we will explore the fundamental research principles of contact improvisation, drawing from the resources of the fluids in our bodies, working somatically in the Body-Mind Centering approach.

▪️ About the host
Angelika Mizińska
Educator, dancer, producer. She conducts classes and workshops in contact improvisation, dance improvisation, and body awareness. She co-creates educational projects that develop self-awareness, communication, and social skills, using somatic practices, choreography, and dance improvisation. Her approach to creative work, research, and collaboration is shaped by approaches such as movement improvisation, Body-Mind Centering®, (eco)somatics, and Nonviolent Communication. She finds the most fulfilment in collaborative creative processes and pro-social activities. She is continually fascinated by the exploration of the body in motion, the potential of our sensitivity and body awareness, in relation to ourselves and the world, in artistic and educational contexts. She graduated with degrees in dance and performing arts in the UK and the USA. She is a certified somatic movement educator in the Body-Mind Centering® approach and a yoga teacher in the Ashtanga tradition.

▪️ For whom?
The workshop is dedicated to those with experience in contact improvisation practice.

▪️ When?
Saturday, August 3rd
10:30 AM – 1:00 PM
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
10:30 AM – 1:00 PM
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

▪️ Where?
Krakow, ul. Szpitalna 40/12, Contact. Space of Movement, Dance and Music

▪️ Price
380 PLN if registered by July 19, 2024, after this date 480 PLN

▪️ Registration
Through the form