CONTACT IMPROVISATION – KNOW YOURSELF IN MOVEMENT, DANCE – original, holistic dance workshop with elements of a therapeutic approach – Marta Grabowska /19.03, 21.05


original, holistic dance workshop with elements of a therapeutic approach

The workshop will cover the secrets of the dance method CONTACT IMPROVISATION with elements of a therapeutic approach. By systematically learning about this dance method, we will be able to deepen the awareness of our bodies in relation to ourselves and in relation to other people.

I decided to combine my main experiences, skills in which I specialize, which are important to me in one workshop space:

☀️CONTACT IMPROVISATION (contemporary dance technique)






Who is this workshop for 🙂

🌿 For those who are already dancing CI or want to get to know CONTACT IMPROVISATION

🌿 For those who want to experience, develop, learn about themselves through dance, movement, and are curious about themselves

🌿 For those who want to be deeper with themselves.

🌿 For those who need some method to get to know, make friends, unravel their closeness to their body.

🌿 For those who are looking for a connection between the body, dance, movement,

intellect, emotions.

🌿 For those who want to tame, be in balance and flow with physical contact, closeness to other people.

🌿 For those who are looking for contact with others in a safe and comfortable way.

🌿 For those who want to dance, move, improvise.

🌿 For those who want to make changes to their lives

In the workshop:

🌱 A pace that allows the body to process, live, feel consciously, experience.

🌱 Learning to move through body awareness – exactly as much as possible. Nothing more, nothing less.

🌱 Each new technical element is introduced by breaking it down into its first parts, which come together in a dance-like whole.

🌱 The atmosphere of safety and comfort.

🌱 A lecturer with many years of experience in dancing, movement and therapy

🌱 We will also talk, exchange experiences and provide constructive feedback.

🌱 It will be a space to express yourself: your thoughts, feelings, feelings, movement.

🌱 We will support and inspire each other.

🌱 We will experiment and have fun

🌞 Please READ CAREFULLY the rules of participation in the workshop.

It is important that you fully consciously decide to participate and that you know what the rules are. I have described them with great accuracy and I hope that they will be clear to you. If you have any questions, just write :).

Signing up and making the first advance payment will inform me that you know the rules and agree to them.

🌞 ORGANIZATIONAL structure 🌞:

🌱 A series of all-day workshops held every two months (4 meetings)


Contact – Space of Movement, Dance, Music and Art, ul. Szpitalna 40, 1st floor, Krakow

🌱 We dance in a fixed group (minimum 12 people and maximum 16 people).

🌱These will be full-day workshops with a lunch break.

10 – 13 (3 h) workshop

13 – 14.30 (1.5 h) break for a shared lunch

14.30-17.30 (3 h) workshop

17.30-18. 45 JAM (1, 15)

⭐JAM, that is setting in motion, dancing in order to practice, experiment with the material from the workshop, meet each other in dance. Together we will experience different types of JAMs, for example, Blind JAM (JAM with closed eyes), Silence JAM (JAM in silence) and other forms of Contact dance, such as DANCE DATES;)

⭐ Lunch together

We will have a 1.5 hour lunch break so that we can eat and rest after lunch. I propose a lunch together :). I think it will be good to sit down at the table and feast. Everyone brings something from themselves, whatever they can, be it a salad or fruit or something else. We put it on the common table and there is “miraculous multiplication” 😉. Sharing :). This is a proposition, if any of you have a different need, follow it. I really like this community practice 🙂

🌱At the end of the project in June, there will be a weekend dance trip somewhere in the beautiful nature. DEPARTURE will be optional, which means who will want to go. In January, we will see how many people will be willing and we will decide whether to organize it.


March 19 (Sunday) 2023

May 21 (Sunday) 2023

The last meeting optional departure in June

🌱 As it is a cycle with elements of therapeutic work, regularity of work in a stable, small group is important. I would love to take care of that.

Your declaration of participation in its entirety is important.

🌱 Cost of a single workshop – PLN 250

🌱 To sign up, you must confirm your participation via messenger or text message and make an advance payment immediately after registration.

⭐Only the FULL PACKAGE: application / (confirmed by the organizer) + advance payment guarantees you a place at the workshop.


☘️ There are

4 meetings, i.e. 4 advances to be paid (4 meetings x 50 PLN = 200 PLN)

The advance payment system will look like this:

⭐First payment of PLN 100 upon registration by the end of September.

It guarantees a place on the list of participants. If it is not paid, I consider it to be a free place.

⭐ Second payment of PLN 100 by the end of October.

⭐If you apply in October, you immediately pay the entire advance, i.e. PLN 200.

⭐You can also pay the entire advance payment immediately, i.e. PLN 200

⭐ Refund of the advance payment upon resignation:

full refund by the end of September

50% refund until October 20

after October 20, the advance is non-returnable

☘️ You pay the rest of the fee for a single workshop, i.e. PLN 200 (PLN 250 in total minus PLN 50 of the already paid advance), in cash or to the account before the workshop.

⭐Because there are only 4 meetings, if you decide to participate in the series, you declare to participate in all four. If for some reason you will not be able to participate in a workshop / workshops, you will bear the cost as if you were / were there. That is PLN 250 – PLN 50 of the advance payment that you will have / have paid. So you pay PLN 200.

If you have any questions or doubts, please write :).

🍀If someone needs an invoice, please provide information and data for it when reporting.

I provide the account number to which the advance payment should be made when registering for the workshop.

🍀 The account to which advance payments should be made is:

591 140 200 40000 380 277 839 210 mBank, Marta Grabowska

Necessarily with a note: CI Kraków author’s workshop


Marta Grabowska

Via text: 502 388 213

Via messenger: Marta Grabowska


I hope we will meet DANCING Marta ❣️