WEN.US – Women’s Movement Inspirations – Aleksandra Lemba / April 16, 1 p.m.- 3 p.m.

~Bring the life in the lack of movement.~

We invite you to the next meeting of the celebration in dance and movement with Aleksandra Lemba.

Inspiro – provide inspiration, fill with breath

WEN.US – women’s movement inspirations were created from the need to open space and a hydepark of energy exchange, in which through movement and taking care of ourselves we will immerse ourselves in a conscious dialogue with our body. A place where we can share experiences and reflections in a common circle, without judging how I move.

What guides me, what I follow:
an openly supportive space for women, where through movement and dance we look for ways to get used to our own body, femininity and its multidimensional aspect,
celebration of the body in dance and movement
experiencing how conscious movement can support our inner strength on a daily basis,
integration through movement with your center,
a place where, through dance and movement, we awaken our hips, oil our spine and chest.

What will support us in the experience?
bodyflow with caribbean dance styles
intuitive movement
practical tools supporting dialogue with the body inspired by dance and movement therapy
relaxation exercises
We will mainly dance, but we will also spend this time talking in a circle, so that the experiences of how we felt in motion while dancing could also flow through our bodies through words. By sharing this, we can also inspire each other ✨
The music that will carry us during the classes is Caribbean music, soul, r’n’b, afro.

What will our meeting be about?
During the meeting we will mainly focus on 2 areas. WE WILL NOT DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY, but seek freedom in dance. As you like, as you feel, as you want at the moment:

I. Intention
– an attempt to feel agency in following the natural movement and rhythm flowing from the inside
– taking a look at how our bodies move, in what qualities we feel free, what we need to dissolve tensions and tenderly touch what is omitted, forgotten, rejected by us.
II. Body
– corporeality and acceptance as movement is conducive to working on getting used to your femininity in the bodily and mental dimension
– noticing the possibility of conscious integration with your body
If you have stopped at least one of the above points or you just feel that you need to come into closer contact with yourself, I invite you to the dance circle
For whom?

For every person identifying as a woman, regardless of dance/movement experience

Kontakt. Space of Movement, Dance, Music and Art, ul. Szpitalna 40, 1st floor / KRAKÓW

April 16
time. 13.00-15.00 (2h)

Cost of the workshop: PLN 100

The workshop will be led by:

ALEKSANDRA LEMBA (she/her) – passionate about movement, a professional dancer for years immersed in the Caribbean culture, from which I draw a lot of inspiration, especially from her dancing feminine side.
I explore topics related to the self-body relationship; with the conscious feeling of your own body, intuitive movement, expression in movement and following the non-verbal signals coming from the body. I invite you to experience what is often felt from the level of the body, but effectively blocked by the rational head. From the level of the head and rationalization, I open the space to listen to what the body communicates to us. Through movement.
The place where I am now is nothing more than a consequence of experiences from various areas of life. Professionally, I am a master of psychology, a trainer of psychosocial skills workshops. There was a time when I was developing in the area of HR. After 8 years of working in a corporation, I felt it was time to move on. So development. And how development is holistic – from head to toe with mindfulness and consciously following what is happening in me.

A huge inspiration for my work is DMT (Dance Movement Therapy), work with Body Image or elements of LBMS.
I am a third year student of a 4-year accredited training at the Polish Institute of Dance and Movement Psychotherapy.

I regularly conduct dance and movement-development workshops for various groups throughout Poland.

In addition, I am developing in the field of psychological support and intimacy on film/picture sets.

Dance and movement is life – no matter what you call it. They accompany us every day.