Wen.Us – female movement inspirations. Women’s dance circle. – Aleksandra Lemba / December 14, 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Movement reflects our inner landscape. It is omnipresent.

WEN.US is a combination of Caribbean movement inspirations with the experience of how conscious movement can support us every day. During the workshops, we will celebrate ourselves in dance and natural, free, intuitive movement, wrapping our pelvis, oiling our spine and chest. We will look at how we perceive our body image and look for ways to learn to strengthen ourselves in everyday life – the way we feel, the way we want:

– Without expectations and with openness to what will come in dance and movement.

– Restoring the quality of flow in the body and its natural plasticity.

– Inviting joy, lightness and fire to the heart and pelvis.

– Expanding body awareness and rebuilding contact with it.

– In dialogue with ourselves and in the environment of other women.


The idea of ​​Wen.Us is to create a space and a hyde park for the exchange of female energy, in which through movement and with self-care we will immerse ourselves in conscious work with the body. A place where we can share our experience and reflections in a common circle, without judging how my body moves.

The workshops are addressed to every woman, regardless of their dance/movement experience.

What awaits us?

– Opening a supportive space for women, in which through movement and dance we look for ways to become familiar with our own body, femininity and its multidimensional aspect.

– Experiencing how conscious movement can affect our inner strength and resources every day.

– Integration through dance and movement with our power center.

– Looking at the tensions felt, somatic responses gathered in the pelvis.

– A place where through dance and movement we awaken the hips, lubricate the spine and chest.
– Integrating your movement with what appears from the level of feelings, emotions,

– Expanding body awareness, looking for pleasant, supportive movement, observing your movement patterns.

– Inviting pleasure and vitality in different areas of your body.

What will support us in the experience?

– Bodyflow from Afro/Caribbean dance styles.

– Intuitive, natural, free movement.

– Practical and developmental tools supporting dialogue with the body, inspired by, among others, dance and movement therapy, Laban Bartenieff System Movement, Feldenkraise method

– Relaxation exercises.

We will not dance choreography, but movement phrases may appear that open space for improvisation.


December 14 / Saturday

Time: 12.00-14.00 2h


Kontakt. Space of Movement, Dance, Music and Art, ul. Szpitalna 40, 1st floor / KRAKOW

Registration: aleksandra.lemba@gmail.com

Price: 100 PLN

You will receive the bank transfer details in a return e-mail after signing up

Aleksandra Lemba – dancer, psychologist, trainer of psychosocial skills workshops, dance and movement psychotherapist in the last year of a 4-year comprehensive training, also working as a choreographer, coordinator of intimate scenes.

Passionate about movement and somatic practices. I invite you to explore

topics related to the self-body-emotions relationship, expanding body awareness and

building a safe relationship with it; with a conscious feeling of your own

body, expression in movement and following non-verbal signals coming from the
body. I invite you to experience what is often felt from the body level, but effectively blocked by the rational mind. From the head and rationalization level, I invite you to a space where you can experience

listening to what the body communicates to us. Through movement.

There was a time when I was developing in the HR area, but after 8 years of working in a corporation, I felt it was time to move on and enter other paths. So development…

For years, I have been sharing my knowledge and passion by conducting psychological,

movement and development, dance and psychoeducational workshops with various groups throughout


Dance and movement are life – no matter what you call it. They accompany us every day.
