Contact improvisation workshops: SOFT ACROBATICS / meeting topic: MUSICALITY IN CONTACT IMPROVISATION – Paweł Konior / September 21-22

The workshops are for people who are not afraid of challenges and like to move.

Soft acrobatics ~ musicality in contact improvisation.

We will look for new movement paths on our own and confront our possibilities.

We will look for inverted positions, handstands, rolls, front and back flips. Sounds like a challenge? Therefore, all stunts will be done in pairs or threes to make them easier to perform and ensure safety. 😉

Prior preparation is not necessary but welcome.
The classes will be adapted to both beginners and experienced people.

In addition to acrobatics, there will be time for dancing, improvisation, stillness and rest.

The workshops will be based on several simple theses and antitheses related to the movement.

During the classes, participants will be able to look at phenomena such as:

‍♂️Attraction and repulsion

Inhale and exhale

‍♂️Being in and out of balance

‍♀️Internal and external synchronization

‍♂️Spirals, moving in an arc and a straight line

We will trace how the processes related to the above subsections evolve in time and space. (Properly dosed and fortified.)

During classes, we will self-reflect on movement:

-How to decide how much we need and what we need at the right time?

– Does creating tension promote the realization of the situation?

-How does control and analysis affect traffic?

-How does breathing, trusting animal instincts and intuition change the quality of movement?

-How to effortlessly invite a situation and allow it to continue?

In short, the questions will be:

Which path are you following? How do you make choices? And how do you react to the current situation?

We will want to treat the workshop space as a playground, full of tools for new explorations.

By activating children’s curiosity, we will strive for effortless, joyful meetings. (experiencing all possibilities and impossibilities within them).

While experiencing movement at the group and collective level (trying to synchronize with other bodies in space), we will strive for self-awareness and individualization of movement.




Saturday & Sunday

10.00 – 12.30 / 14.00 – 17.00

Weekend topic

Musicality in improvisation, communication and performance.

‍♂️ Investment:

PLN 400 – PLN 500 (pay as much as you can afford 🙂 depending on your financial and earning capacity).

You can buy a weekend together with a friend, share it with someone or exchange it. Reservation of seats is important. Registration is based on the order of applications. The number of places is limited.

Registration and more info:


Paweł Konior — performer / dancer / teacher / masseur / and eternal student. After graduating from Physical Education and the Salzburg Academy of Dance, Paweł started working in dance, theater and performing arts in the Netherlands, Belgium and Poland. His versatile interests and sports and theater background were used in various dance and theater performances. Paweł combines theater, sport, dance and Tai-qi, showing expression and emotions in movement, looking for energy and flow.

Paweł has a specific and organic way of working, which allows for quick flow and feeling (of the group, situation). The main principles that he follows are the zero point technique, subtlety, spontaneity, surprising himself, partners and the viewer. Improvisation intertwines with technique, body awareness and fun. He is greatly inspired by the Fighting Monkey practice, contact improvisation and Infinite play – constant fun. Main projects in which he participated: “Love-ism” More Shani (“Ewa i On”, “Adam i Elf”, “On i Ona” Paweł Konior and Iwona Olszowska, “Transmision” Choreography Iwona Olszowska and Ferenc Feher, “3Dom ” – solo by Paweł Konior, “Boredom” – Paweł Konior and Rita Vilhena. Free The Dance – Wiktor Krzak and Pawel Konior, “Ciało” – Paweł Konior and Ewa Wolf.

See you in Kontakt, a space of movement and dance