VOICE YOGA – Aleksandra Zawłocka / new course starts: February 5

VOICE YOGA is a unique course, where the voice and body work in full synchronization, allowing blockages or psychophysical tensions to be released. It is an indispensable support for every person working with the voice and both a soft and gentle start for people who are still unfamiliar with voice work.

Holistic work with the voice, body, emotions is for everyone – no previous experience in voice work is needed.

It is not a singing course, but it brings great vocal benefits.

It is also not a form of psychotherapy, but it brings great benefits for connecting with yourself and your emotions.

Areas of work:
-a lot of relaxation – we activate the parasympathetic system to help the body produce sound with ease,
-free breathing,
-self-massage for the voice,
-releasing the voice – working with spontaneous expression, allowing you to throw out emotions, burn cortisol,
-voice vibration and its voicing – discovering and activating voice resonators,
-simple and primal songs, mantras,
-seed syllables, improvisations in a group.

This course is for you if:
*You want to hear and feel your natural voice in true, live expression,
*You want to express yourself,
*You want to learn how the voice works and what your vocal tendency is,
*You want and like to work in a group,
*You need to gently activate your body,
*You are interested in the topic of voice, singing, you want to start singing,
*You feel the need to focus on yourself, to rest from everyday life,
*You are looking for interesting and alternative forms of personal development.


Before you sign up for the course, I invite you to a free consultation with me – live or by phone.

During the consultation, I will be able to answer your questions, tell you more about how I work. The consultation does not oblige you to sign up

-> 10 workshops on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10-11:15 (exact dates below),
-> 30-minute individual consultation,
-> exercise descriptions.

️ time: February 5 – April 9, 2025

Exact dates of 10 workshops:

Dates of individual consultations: 20,21,22.02 from 10 am to 3 pm.

Place of individual consultations: Studio at ul. Smolki 11a.

If these dates do not suit you, we will find another one

Location: Contact Space ul. Szpitalna 40
Course cost: PLN 1,300 / EARLY BIRDS PLN 1,100 for registrations by January 16.
The condition for reserving a place on the course is to pay a deposit.
REGISTRATION: harmoniaglosu@gmail.com

There is a limit on places. We work in an intimate and permanent group. The course is closed and it is not possible to join the group after it has started.

Aleksandra Zawłocka – vocalist, actress, teacher.
She works with her own methods and Estill Voice Training, Kristin Linklater, Voice Yoga.
She completed the Estill Voice Training® course: Level 1 and 2, certified teacher of Modern Vocal Training Level 1. She focuses on extracting the depth of the voice, its power in the mental and physical sense. She combines voice training with yoga and intuitive movement, rhythmic exercises. Vocalist of Nasmeh – a project playing traditional music of the Orient and the Balkans, she gives guest concerts with the project Szlakiem Starych Drzew.
Sings in languages ​​including Greek, Serbian, Spanish, Ladino, Ukrainian, Arabic. In the years 2017-2020 actress of the Gardzienice Theatre. Guest vocalist of the Żywiołak band – album “Dekontrukcja historyczna” 2022. Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in the project “Culture on the Net”.

ig: @harmonia_glosu_i_ciala
Fb nasmeh.ensemble1
yt: https://youtu.be/Z5Ie-Q9G0fQ

“The voice not only indicates a person’s character, but is an expression of their soul”
Hazrat Inayat Khan
“Everyone has a beautiful voice, they just have to know how to use it” Jo Estill
“I want to hear you, not your voice” Kristin Linklater