VOICE BEING workshops – Shai Dayan / 22-23.10.

KRAKÓW! Trochę czekaliśmy, ale warto było! // We were waiting a little bit, but surly it was worth!
Po raz kolejny zawita do nas Shai Dayan z Voice Being 🙂 //One more time we are happy to meet Shai Dayan from Voice Being 🙂
22 i 23.10.2022 w godz. 10-18stej (z przerwą na obiad około godz.13/14stej)
*** Warsztat jest całością w wersji 2 dniowej i nie ma możliwości zapisania się na pojedynczy dzień
Kontakt. Przestrzeń Ruchu, Tańca i Muzyki – ul. Szpitalna 40
Warsztaty odbywają się w języku angielskim – prosimy zgłaszać przy zapisach, jeżeli byłaby potrzeba tłumaczenia – zrobimy co w naszej mocy, żeby to umożliwić! //Workshop will be in english.
Co będzie na nim się działo? – Tym razem akcent padnie na “improwizację”! – O której słowami Shaia, poniżej:// What will happen this time? – The emphasis will be on improvisation. With the words of Shai:

“There are many life examples, as many as the number of people on this planet, and there is something in common to all, we will all try to live according to what we already know.
Few are the moments and fewer are the people who will step out into the unknown.
The thing is that it is here, whether we like it or not so not acknowledging it is like ignoring parts of ourselves which is what life is constantly trying to show us, the complete human experience.
Obviously there is nothing necessarily wrong with what we know, it is simply not all that we are.
Improvisation is an invitation to explore the unknown, simple as that. To find out what happens when we stop following what our habits, preferences, education, traumas, expectations and fears are telling us to do, rather allow ourselves to surrender to pure inspiration with full trust.
Even though it is good to be familiar with our instrument, whether it is our voice, body or any personality trade, it is not about that, if we are not aware, that can be in fact the very thing that will hold us back.
So improvisation is not simply doing what we want, because even that will be according to some idea of what we want, it is a form of a deep attentiveness and listening and an ongoing letting go of everything in us that is trying to tell us what to do.
The art of it is to find the place within us that allows us to rest in this unknowingness effortlessly, fearlessly.”
Kilka słów o Shaiu (prowadzącym)//Few words about Shai:
Shai is a multi instrumental improvisation artist.
Composes music for dance projects and films.
Studied philosophy and meditation in India for 5 years. In the last 20 years explores sound and silence as means of exploring life.
Teaching improvisation and self inquiry
workshops in Israel and Europe, using music, voice and movement as instruments for becoming aware of our true nature.
Created the research program ‘Voice Being’ with which he teaches around the world.
Koszt 2 dniowego warsztatu// Price of 2 days workshop:
500 zł przy zapisie i wpłacie rezerwującej miejsce w wysokości 250 zł do 30.09.2022
600 zł przy zapisie i wpłacie rezerwującej miejsce w wysokości 250 zł do 15.10.2022
700 zł przy zapisie i wpłacie rezerwującej miejsce w wysokości 250 zł od 16.10.2022
ZAPISY: poprostujoga@gmail.com
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