This Friday (March 31) the replacement for Edzio will be led by PAWEŁ KONIOR / After workshops we invite you to JAM CONTACT IMPROVISATION 🥳😍🥰

📣 Attention! Quick action.

This Friday we invite you to a 2-hour CONTACT IMPROVISATION workshop with Paweł Konior.

* (As a substitute for Edzio in Contact and Dance Improvisation classes)

👉 Friday, March 31, 19:30-21:30


📣 After workshops with Paweł, we invite you to JAM CONTACT IMPROVISATION 🥳😍🥰

The topic of the 2-hour workshop will be:

“Dancing With Space – TRIO”

During the workshop we will focus on the aspect of working with a group, musicality, searching for communication between individuals in space. We will dance alone, with a partner, in a trio in a group and in space.

How can we draw inspiration from the environment, from other people in the group from music? How can we dance with and without music, changing rhythm, tempo, being with it and off beat? With our body, we will resonate with the partner and space, creating a combination that affects us and others. We will create this whole envelope using the fighting monkey technique – where one of the main messages is adaptation to the changing environment.

👉 The CONTACT PRICE LIST applies to workshops: we accept Kontakt Passes, one-time entries in the amount of PLN 30, MultiSport Plus and Medicover cards


Paweł Konior (1982) – performer, dancer, choreographer.

After studying Physical Education and the Salzburg Academy of Dance, Paweł began working in dance, theater and performing arts in the Netherlands, Belgium and Poland.

His versatile interests and sports and theatrical background were used in various dance and theater performances. Paweł, combining theater and dance, is able to show expression and emotions in movement, making the character he plays real and every little movement matters. Iwona Olszowska, Tomasz Wygoda, Pedro Goucha, Einat Tuchman, More Shani, T.R.A.S.H company, Ugo Dehaes, Andrzej Marczewski, Gosia Haduch, Rita Vilhena are just some of the people he worked with.

Paweł has a specific and organic way of working, which allows for a quick flow, feeling (group, situation). The main principles that guide her are the zero point technique, subtlety, spontaneity, surprising herself, partners and the viewer. Improvisation intertwines with technique, body awareness and fun. He is greatly inspired by the practice of Fighting Monkey and contact improvisation. Main projects in which he participated: (“Ewa and On”, “Adam and Elf”, “He and She” Paweł Konior and Iwona Olszowska, “Transmision” Choreography by Iwona Olszowska and Ferenc Feher, “3Dom” – solo Paweł Konior, ” Boredom” – Paweł Konior and Rita Vilhena, Free The Dance – Wiktor Krzak and Pawel Konior, “Ciało” – Paweł Konior and Ewa Wolf.