RELAXATION WITH CRYSTAL BOWLS and intuitive singing – Ilona Korzewska / March 9, 7:00 p.m.

I invite you to relax, to travel in the sounds of crystal bowls, koshi bells, wind gong and intuitive singing, which will help you enter a state of relaxation, a state of meditation, relaxation, calmness.

I start each session with the cleansing sound of the wind gong and guide you with my voice to help you forget about what is outside.

While playing, I strengthen the vibrations of the bowls with my voice, intuitively leading you on a musical and relaxing journey.

After a session that lasts about an hour, we give ourselves 10-15 minutes to recover and to share what is inside us / impressions / feelings (of course, this is not mandatory, just as you will feel, silence is also ok).

Crystal bowls are, as the name suggests, made of rock crystal, i.e. quartz.
Quartz, like many other rocks found on Earth, contains silicon dioxide, which is a neutralizer, which means that it cleanses our body of toxins.
Bowls are a therapeutic instrument, and their frequency is tuned to the frequency of NATURE, i.e. 432 Hz.

The health-promoting properties of undergoing sound baths are:
– strengthening and stimulation of the brain
– strengthening the kidneys and adrenal glands
– reducing pain
– calming and regenerating the nervous system
– strengthening immunity
– deepening meditation, insight, contact with oneself
– calming, relaxation at the cellular level
– relaxation, well-being
– contact with deeply hidden emotions and feelings

The sounds of bowls have a very strong effect, especially on the spine and skull, and on the human skeleton in general.
They penetrate deeply into the nervous system, organs, muscles, circulatory system, into every single cell of the body.
They affect metabolism and balance the chakras, cleanse the aura, balance both hemispheres of the brain.

Where: Space of Movement, Dance and Music-KONTAKT, Szpitalna 40
2nd floor, white room

When: Sunday, March 9, 6:00 p.m. 19:00
Price: PLN 50 (cash payment on site)

Registration: in a private message on the Ether Luna profile or by calling 886 524 420

Come a little earlier to settle into the space and take a seat. Put on comfortable clothes, bring a blanket to cover yourself and something to put under your head according to your preferences

About me:
My name is Ilona Korzewska, I am an artist, illustrator by vocation, and currently also a graduate of the Vocal and Acting School “Wokal-Art” in Krakow. Music has always been my great love and has accompanied me for many years of my life. I love singing, I am also learning to play instruments. My passion for music turned into curiosity and deepening my knowledge about how sounds and their frequencies affect our well-being and health. This is how music therapy came to me and its application through therapeutic instruments. My tools include crystal bowls and tuning forks, I also use a wind gong, koshi/zaphir bells and a frame drum. When working with tuning forks, I work based on the knowledge of Dr. Barbara Romanowska, from which I completed the Tuning Fork Sound and Vibration Therapy Course. My goal is to always create the most comfortable and safe space for sound journeys, while contributing to the growth of body awareness and supporting health processes.