Movement from Feeling – meditation in dance and cooperation with the body (a series of 5 workshops) – Jonna Książkiewicz / May 9

,,Safety is not the absence of threat. It is the presence of connection” – Gabor Mate

(Security is not the absence of threat. It is the presence of a connection.)

I invite you to sign up for the next series of workshops in a permanent group. This is the fullest way to experience movement practice from feeling 🙂

note that this time we only meet for 5 weeks!


– to take the first or next steps in building a deep, full acceptance of the relationship with your body – through the processes of soothing, gentle unblocking, expression and return to your own power,

– to consciously pass through the body and transform the whole enormity of movements that we all experience, often forgetting to MOVE the body as well – so that it can accommodate all streams of feelings, mind and soul :),

– for regular “feel to dance” journeys, which will create space for deepening the practice with each subsequent meeting, recording well-being and new, enriching body-mind connections in the body

– for meetings in a permanent group – drawing from the sense of trust and openness growing with each subsequent workshop, with the opportunity to share your experience in the circle at the end of each practice with your companions during this two-month journey.


The road goes through:

– deepening body awareness

-conscious movement in harmony with the nature of the body (somatic education, organic movement)

-free, improvised dance that allows you to go beyond the patterns known to us

-(co)work with the body – attentive, soothing touch, supporting in “recovering” the body and feeling and establishing authentic contact.

I will guide you with my voice so that you won’t notice when you start to flow and dance 🙂

With mindfulness, gentleness, respect for the body and the needs hidden in it, we will immerse ourselves in a conscious, free movement – one that:

-helps to release tension accumulated in the body,

– it will open you to the feeling of pleasure,

-deeply relaxes, reduces the effects of everyday stress,

– will reveal to you a new perspective of perceiving the body – its needs, injuries, problems,

-can both indicate a problem and be a tool to solve it.


We will lead our attention through the successive layers, structures of our body, using the work with experimental anatomy as a way – to awaken movement in harmony with the nature of the body.

We will open ourselves to the pleasure that comes from such movement, to the exploration of a new perspective of perceiving the body, the processes taking place in it – also injuries, problems.

Through self-massage and a gentle touch, we will learn how to trust our hands, how to give and accept such a careful touch, taking care of our boundaries. We will allow ourselves to take advantage of the support that another person can give us.

In silence, in music, in dance, which will be a natural development of conscious movement, we will open ourselves to the joy of contact, to the power of experiencing together as a group. For the pleasure that comes from free movement, from moving frozen areas of the body, from discovering new forms of movement.

By remaining aware of what is going on within us, we will meet the other person. We will create flow and freedom in this meeting by deepening mindfulness, but also by using a variety of methods and techniques that allow us to notice, leave or fully use the pattern we usually fall into when dancing together.

We will learn tools that will help us open up new ways of making contact in dance, but above all, together we will expand awareness around what happens to us during a meeting in motion.

Observing the relationship that develops between us, we will examine what being in touch means to us, capturing the moments when we really meet and those when something blocks us from meeting here and now. Together we will look for alignment and flow. We move in silence and with music. At each meeting there will be a space to share what we have experienced in a circle.


The classes are for you if you feel that:

– you want to get used to the dance, but you don’t want to repeat and memorize the steps

– would you like to enrich your dance workshop with a new one

perspective of experiencing the body in motion

– Your body is giving you signals that it needs attention (tension in the body,

fatigue, numbness, chronic and mysterious pains)

– you want to get to know yourself better, look at your relationship with your body with gentleness, how you establish relationships with others 🙂

– you want to spend time with other people in an atmosphere of acceptance, freedom and mindfulness

– you have no experience with dance and bodywork, but something will inspire you

heading in that direction…

I believe that conscious movement is a good that we can all draw from – regardless of fitness, experience with movement or blockages in the head and other parts of us 🙂 Come if reading this description you feel called!

Important – you do not have to be a dancer, have experience in conscious work with the body. I am happy to invite people to my classes who “have never done such things”.

If you have them and you are immersed in this world not until today – I invite you too.
Each meeting with the body and feeling is another step towards deepening this relationship, and each group process carries its unique power.

(based on knowledge and feedback from participants of the previous 9 cycles):

for mind, relationship, spirit:
regaining and deepening contact with yourself, with your body, with the silence and wisdom in you
experience of freedom, trust and kindness in a group, with the power to correct the difficult experiences collected so far related to being in a group, assessing, comparing
learning original techniques and practices of deepening body awareness, deep relaxation, regaining sensation and dealing with emotions
discovering passion for free movement and dance
‘a deeply transforming experience, I discovered that I can do so much for myself and the other person, so little is needed…!’ – opinion of a participant of the previous edition
storing the experiences of a careful, soothing touch in the body’s memory – such overwriting is of great value and supports the healing process, establishing supportive relationships, setting boundaries, developing emotional intelligence
stimulating creativity in everyday life

for the body:
improving the condition, expanding the mobility possibilities, shaping the motor skills
release of tension accumulated in the body, which translates into greater flexibility, mobility of joints, increase in body resistance
a decent load of endorphins and serotonin once a week; it has been proven that choreotherapy practices, by regulating the level of serotonin and dopamine in the body, alleviate, and over time can also significantly support the withdrawal of depressive states
improving motor coordination and body efficiency (making heart, intestines, bones and all other wonderful parts of our body happy, which we often don’t even know 🙂
increasing the level of life energy
everything that regular movement practice brings and many common benefits with the practice of meditation and mindfulness


Contact. Space ul.Szpitalna 40, 2nd floor, oriental room.
Tuesdays, 18-20.00
As part of the series, there will be 5 workshops: May 9, 16, 23 and 30 and June 6 (5 consecutive Tuesdays). I invite you to sign up for the whole series!

Forks: PLN 370-450 (as much as you can, as much as you feel).
The number of places is limited. When registering, the order of applications is decisive, finally the entry is confirmed by the payment of the deposit.
* The course does not include contact passes, Multisport cards, Ok System.
If you have any questions about the classes, feel free to write to the e-mail address provided above 🙂

Joanna Ksiakiewicz