MOVEMENT FROM FEELING – leading, following, flow / Joanna Książkiewicz (farewell workshop) / 11.12, 13:00-15:30

Allow yourself to feel.
To listen… in your body.
A living presence. Accepting what is.
For the meeting… and again listening – in what resonates in contact with the other person.
For compassion…
without losing yourself in it.
I invite you to the workshop of movement from feeling (this time really the last one – I leave on December 13th!:)), which we will devote to the topics of leading, following and all forms between and outside this structure. We will examine what it is for us to be present in contact, capturing the moments when we really meet and those when something blocks us from meeting here and now.
Together we will look for alignment and flow.

We’ll start by making contact… with each other.

We will wake up our bodies by letting motion in where the supply of sensation has stopped. We will allow ourselves to be in the state of ‘I don’t know’, allowing the voice of our body’s needs to be intertwined with their fulfillment through free movement.

We will guide our attention through the successive layers, the structures of our body, using the work with experimental anatomy as a way – to awaken movement in harmony with the nature of the body.

Through self-massage and gentle touch, we will learn how to trust our hands, how to give and receive such an attentive touch, taking care of our limits. You will allow yourself to take advantage of the support that another person can give us.

By remaining aware of what is happening in us, we will meet the other person. In silence, in music, in dance, which will be a natural development of conscious movement, you will observe the relationship that is created between you. Consciously entering the roles of the leading and following person, we will discover what
We will use different methods and techniques to notice, leave or take full advantage of the pattern we usually fall into when dancing together with another person. We will learn the tools that will help us open up new ways of establishing contact in dance, but above all, together we will expand our awareness around what happens to us during a meeting in motion.

🍂Studing the connections of mind and movement, we will move (with the whole body;)) the following topics:

-> strength flowing from gentleness, subtlety
-> freedom of choice – by breaking patterns, dominant patterns of movement – maybe they block the development of others?
-> superpower activated during play
-> balance between improvisation and finding oneself in the structure
-> differences between taking, receiving, giving and allowing

We will move in silence and with music. There will be time to share in a circle what we have experienced.

🍂Du for whom?
For anyone who wants to give themselves solace, stop running, spend time with themselves and with others in an atmosphere of fun, harmony, acceptance. For those interested in learning and experiencing various forms of body work and using them in dance.
Important – you do not have to be a dancer, you do not have to have experience in conscious work with the body yet. I am happy to invite people who have “never done such things” to my classes 😉
If you have them, dance, immerse yourself in this world not to this day – I also invite you. Also – regardless of the dance technique you are currently exploring:)

If you feel a call, but you have doubts whether you can take part in the workshop – write boldly on the, I will answer your questions.

Saturday, December 11, 1-3.30 P. M.
Kontakt. Space of Movement, Dance and Music in Krakow, 40 Szpitalna Street, vis a vis the Słowacki Theatre.

‘Forks’ 50-70zł (how much do you feel, you can)

🍂 Leed by: Joanna Książkiewicz
I love to listen to the wisdom of the body, to move, to dance, to connect. I draw strength from singing, dancing and contact with nature. I am amazed at how the paths of our movement reveal and help transform what is playing in our mind and soul. I love traditional songs, discovering the mysteries of the human body, myths and the other side of fairy tales.

I have been dancing since the age of 7, for 8 years immersed in conscious work with the body. I am a graduate of psychology, a student of a two-year study of Process Psychology. Currently in the certification process at the Somatic Movement Educator according to the Body Mind Centering method (BMC Certification Program, Movimiento Atlas, Zaragoza), the Course of Motion Analysis according to the Laban-Bartenieff System. I am constantly expanding my workshop, taking part in classes of various dance techniques, choreotherapy, yoga and other forms of body work. I run my own workshops of free dance and work with the body and more and more regular classes of taming improvisation and body awareness in Krakow.