LOGOMOTION workshop with Nóra Hajós (H/USA) / December 16-17

About the practice:


LOGOMOTION is an improvisational dance/narrative form wherein movement and words spring spontaneously from a common source. The performative form was developed by dancer and visual artist Simone Forti (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_Forti) . She quotes; It’s been a way for me to know what is on my mind. What is on my mind, before I think it through, while it is still a wild feeling in my bones.“

Nóra will lead us through a warm up, that focuses on inner sensations, using moment to moment awareness tuning, then we will explore spontaneous moving and talking arising in the moment.

Every move is a valuable one, that can carry information. As we move images can come to our mind and we can unfold those images via words and movements, until they have a life.

During the practice of Logomotion the class will mainly use observations in nature, some possible spontaneous writings and focused studio time for moving and talking in a laboratory
setting. The class will spend some time outside of the studio, observing, sensing and collecting in our bodies what surrounds us.

In addition ‘Dreaming while awake’ part of Nora’s longtime practice and study of Process oriented movement work (founded by Arnold and Amy Mindell) notices and appreciates intentional movements while also explores unintentional and spontaneous movements as
the seeds of our on-going day and -nighttime dreaming process.

Nature dreaming shows a way to access and unfold our hidden dance as well as gets us in touch with our dreaming while awake process. Working alone and together as a group, we will discover the creativity of our dreaming process and the way our creations teach us about life.
Founders of Process work Amy & Arny Mindell say, “When we explore these movements with awareness we can enrich our experience of everyday life and discover ourselves as unending creativity.“


Nóra Hajós (H/USA) started her dance studies at age 4 in her native Hungary. As a young adult, she searched for open forms which led her to contact improvisation, authentic movement and postmodern dance in the USA. For the past 26 years, she has been exploring,
teaching and performing. Nóra studied in-depth with Steve Paxton (the originator of contact improvisation), Lisa Nelson (Tuning Scores), and Simone Forti (Logomotion).

More about Nóra: www.norahajos.com


Saturday and Sunday (16-17/12)

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. lunch break
3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Price: PLN 500 for two days
Early bird: PLN 460 (until November 20)

Please pay an advance payment confirming your participation in the workshop with Nora – PLN 100 – to the account provided in the return e-mail

REGISTRATION (and all of the questions): somisniegocka@gmail.com