IMAGES DREAMED IN DANCE – Movement from feeling in the creative process, i.e. intuitive dance and cooperation with the body with elements of Life/art process by Anna Halprin. – Joanna Książkiewicz / June 29-30

✨Images dreamed in dance – movement from feeling in the creative process, i.e. intuitive dance and cooperation with the body with elements of Anna Halprin’s Life/art process.✨

I invite you to immerse yourself in the creative process in which movement, dance and practices of cooperation with the body will allow us to return to the body, soothe, revitalize and open access to internal images within us.

We will put the trace of these images on paper, and the captured lines, colors and shapes will help us find the essence of a personal process, which we will again invite to express through dance and authentic movement.

Images written on paper, interwoven with movement and dance, will become a way to express what cannot be expressed in words. By embedding the Life/art process in the structure of the creative process, they will allow us to better understand what is currently happening in our lives, find answers to important questions and touch upon what is sleepy, stubborn, stuck in us, what bothers us and escapes understanding. … by taking the image into motion, we have a chance to feel, deeply understand and at the same time transform, move the existing energy, dance CHANGE.

Discovering the world of inner experiences through painting and dance will also allow us to share with others these unique notes from a journey into ourselves. In the images of others you can find a deeper meaning of personal experiences, see how our paths connect and complement each other… drawing from this connection, we will create a unique story, which is a combination of the essence of our personal – common processes… how? You will learn this during the workshops 🙂

✨Important – you don’t have to be a dancer, you don’t have to be able to draw or paint! our simple drawings will be created spontaneously, in flow, sometimes with our eyes closed. The dance will be an authentic movement immersed in music.

Description of the practice of movement from feeling, which will be the roots and trunk of the practice with image and dance, below:)


I invite you to take the first or next steps in building a deep, full acceptance relationship with your body – through the processes of soothing, gentle unblocking, expression and returning to your own power.


The road leads through:

– deepening body awareness

– conscious movement in harmony with the nature of the body

– free, improvised dance that allows you to go beyond the patterns we know

– (co)operation with the body – attentive, soothing touch, supporting in “recovering” the body and feeling and establishing authentic contact.

✨With mindfulness, gentleness, respect for the body and its hidden needs, we will immerse ourselves in conscious, free movement – one that:

– it will help release tensions accumulated in the body

– opens you to feeling pleasure

– deeply relaxes, reduces the effects of everyday stress

– it will reveal to you a new perspective of perceiving the body – its needs, injuries, problems

– it can both indicate a problem and be a tool for solving it.


We will lead our attention through subsequent layers and structures of our body, using work with experimental anatomy as a way to awaken movement in harmony with the nature of the body.

We will open ourselves to the pleasure that comes from such movement and the exploration of a new perspective on the perception of the body, the processes occurring in it – including injuries and problems.

Through self-massage and gentle touch, we will learn how to trust our hands, how to give and receive such attentive touch, taking care of our boundaries. We will allow ourselves to benefit from the support that other people can provide us.

In silence, in music, in dance, which will be a natural development of conscious movement, we will open ourselves to the joy of contact, to the power of shared experience as a group. For the pleasure that comes from free movement, from moving frozen areas of the body, from discovering new forms of movement.

By remaining aware of what is happening inside us, we will meet the other person. We will create flow and freedom in this meeting by deepening mindfulness, but also by using various methods and techniques that allow us to notice, leave or fully use the patterns we usually fall into when dancing together.

We will learn tools that will help us open new ways of establishing contact in dance, but above all, together we will expand our awareness of what happens to us during a meeting in movement.

By observing the relationship that develops between us, we will examine what presence in contact means to us, capturing the moments when we really meet and those when something blocks us from meeting here and now. Together we will look for alignment and flow.

Through the image and the process of searching for the essence of the process captured in it, we will deepen the experience of meeting ourselves… and the other person 🙂

We move in silence and to music. At each meeting there will be space to share what we have experienced in the circle.


The classes are for you if you feel that:

– you want to get used to dancing, but you don’t want to repeat and remember the steps

– you would like to enrich your dance workshop with a new one

perspective experiencing the body in motion

– Your body gives you signals that it needs attention (tension in the body,

fatigue, feeling of numbness, chronic and mysterious pain)

– you want to get to know yourself better, take a gentle look at your relationship with your body and how you establish relationships with others 🙂

– you want to spend time with other people in an atmosphere of acceptance, freedom and mindfulness

– you have no experience with dance and bodywork, but something helps

pulls in this direction…

-you are looking for other, creative ways to express and understand your personal topics, problems and challenges that you face every day.

✨ This meeting is for everyone who wants to give relief – to their body, mind, nervous system…

for those looking for answers by asking questions 🙂

for those who want to remember the multitude of treasures waiting for us in an authentic encounter with another person.

I believe that conscious movement is a good that we can all benefit from – regardless of fitness, experience with movement or blockages in the head and other parts of us 🙂 Come if you feel this ‘call’ while reading this description!

✨Important – you do not have to be a dancer or have experience in conscious work with the body. You absolutely don’t need to have drawing experience! I gladly invite people who have “never done such things” to my classes.

If you have them and you are immersing yourself in this world that you have not yet experienced – I also invite you.

Each meeting with the body and feeling is another step to deepen this relationship, and each group process carries its own unique power.


Kontakt, Space of Movement, Dance and Music, 1st floor, white room.

Szpitalna street40 (opposite the Słowacki Theater, 5 minutes from the market square), Kraków.


🌀Workshop program

Saturday 29/06

10.30 -13.30 – movement from feeling and immersion in internal images – practices of returning to the body, soothing, revitalizing and getting used to free movement

13.30-15.00 – lunch break (lunch possible on site, details soon!)

15.00 – 18.00 – image living in dance – elements ~Life/art process~ by Anna Halprin, ~Touching the ground~ by Ursula Schorn (Gestalt in dance therapy) and process-oriented psychology.

Sunday 30/06

10.30-14.30/15 – continuation of Life/art process and circle at the end of the workshops.

*Don’t be afraid that it’s too long for a moving workshop – we start slowly, giving ourselves time to relax and rest in gentle movement… sometimes we talk. You can also adjust the intensity according to your rhythm:) time at the beginning and At the end of the meeting we will devote a circle, which is an important part of the workshop.


You can pay for the workshops at the price included in the given ‘ranges’ (how much you can, feel):

PLN 390-490.

The price includes 10 hours of workshops and art materials.


If you have any doubts whether you can take part in the workshop – write! We can also arrange a telephone conversation 🙂

✨REVIEWS, i.e. a few words of feedback from participants of previous movement and sensation workshops:

Fantastic in every way. It’s important for me because I opened myself to NEW things… But here, both the idea for classes and the atmosphere are unique: joyful, safe, everyone has their own limits but at the same time there is no feeling/risk of exceeding them. All classes are conducted at a lively pace, no one falls asleep, there is always something going on. Regardless of whether we speed up or slow down to catch our breath. You engage the participants’ attention in a unique way. You’ve really gathered a team of fantastic people.~ Grzesiek

,What also happened to me personally was opening up, putting aside shame, starting from a place where it was difficult for me to jump up, sigh or spread my arms and take up some space at all, and ending with comfort, joyful cavorting, enthusiasm and the mental ability to perform full, open, pleasant and spontaneous movements in various spaces. (…) These classes work both before, during and after, and they gave me a huge opportunity to observe and understand various mechanisms of my behavior and interaction with the world through something so relatively simple, and at the same time infinite in the possibilities it gives, like movement .’Ania

I wanted to say that after the workshops you conducted, I feel grateful and relieved. I am extremely happy that I participated in them, and all the feelings and emotions that aroused in me are slowly dissipating in my body – both the pleasant and the more difficult ones. In the space you started, I felt safe and accepted. The fear of being with people receded into the background, as if it had dissolved. Thank you for accompanying me in the workshop process, for the warmth, wisdom and tenderness you shared.’ Paulina

‘The combination of movement and feeling with Life/art process’ is wonderful. The treasures discovered in this process remain with me to this day. I never expected in my life that without any experience with painting, I could create something that brought so much. Thank you!!~` Asia

✨ Hosted by:

Joanna Książkiewicz

I love listening to the wisdom of the body, moving, dancing, connecting. I draw strength from singing, dancing and contact with nature. I am amazed by how the paths of our movement reveal and help transform what is playing in our mind and soul. I love traditional songs, discovering the secrets of the human body, myths and the other side of fairy tales.


She has been dancing since the age of 7, and has been immersed in conscious work with the body for 12 years. Psychologist, graduate of a two-year course in Process Psychology. The most important trainings are those within the Somatic Movement Educator program in the Body Mind Centering method (BMC Certification Program, Movimiento Atlas, Zaragoza); training in improvisation methodology with Iwona Olszowska, one-year training program ‘Dance and gestalt therapy based on Life/art process by Anna Halprin ‘ with Ursula Schorn and workshops with Emma Bonnici (voice work and group process). She conducts psychological classes for children and adolescents at a day support facility. She constantly expands her skills by taking part in classes in various dance techniques and methods of working with the body and mind. For 5 years, under the Ruch od Czucia (Movement from feeling) brand, she has been conducting regular, original dance and bodywork workshops in Krakow, weekend and away workshops, and for 3 years, preferably 7-12-week series of meetings in a permanent group.