CHRISTMAS JAM ACRO – DRESSED UP! :D Sunday, December 18, 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.


Sunday, December 18, 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Dear! Christmas jams are already a tradition, let’s meet at the end of the year and let’s fly! You can bring snacks 😉

We have to clean the rooms at the end, after all, on the same day, after the jam, there will be a Contact Christmas Eve, which we also invite you to 😉

Christmas costumes welcome: Open space for joint practice, the jam will be led a bit 😉

We plan to take the photo between 16:00 and 17:00, but try to be there earlier to warm up We invite everyone willing! Advanced, novices, solo, in pairs, threes or whatever you prefer and as comfortable as you like 🙂 Some, even a little, experience in AcroYoga will definitely come in handy 🙂 But you can always smile at someone more advanced to explain what this tangle of arms and legs is all about 😉

Outfit – preferably comfortable and festive! Get your elves, Santas, gingerbread and Christmas tree costumes ready!! 😀

Try to avoid slippery fabrics, pockets and zippers.

We warm up alone or together – as we prefer. We bring a mountain of ideas for flying – the best multiplayer pyramids! 😀 We fly with common sense and we take care of our own and our partners’ safety 😉 We practice barefoot 🙂 There are mats, blankets and pillows in the room.

CAUTION: If you know how to take pictures and you have a camera, or you know someone who could snap some pics for us – go ahead! 🙂

Investment: PLN 10 I will ask for donations to Tomasz as soon as he arrives at the jam 🙂

“We Rise By Lifting Others” <3