Bodywork and Authentic Movement – 3 workshops with Maria Martos / July 2, 9 and 16

Bodywork & Authentic movement

The main idea of this 3 workshops is to make a pause, slow down our mind, emerge into body senses and impulses.
As instruments for this process, I propose 2 well-known practices, that work with witnessing/observation of our body, mind and movement.

The first part of workshop will be dedicated to Bodywork practice, which helps to release mind control over the body, relax muscle and joint tension, feel the weight and grounding, deeply focus on body sensations.

Second part is Authentic movement. This practice was founded by Mary Whitehouse, who called it “movement-in-depth”. The essence of it is observation and experiencing movement of “moving and being moved” by following internal sensations that allow impulses to take the form of physical action.

Maria Martos – dancer, performer, choreographer, teacher of dance, movement, somatic practices, interdisciplinary laboratories,
co-founder of dance school for kids,
organizer of summer dance schools for kids and educational dance retreats/projects for adults

2, 9 and 16 of July – 3 Tuesdays – 6.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.

Kontakt – Space of Movement, Dance and Music
Szpitalna 40, 1st floor, blue room

PLN 60 – 1 workshop