Dear Friends. This Wednesday [19.02], Karo Gawlik will lead the VOICE CONTACT classes instead of Edzio

When? Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., room one floor above “Gray”
The CONTACT PRICE LIST applies to the classes

VOICE CONTACT classes create a space for deepening the awareness of your voice and body in interaction with others and yourself.

About the leader:
I am the creator of the Earth Mantra, a journalist by education, a singer and traveler by passion. I graduated from the School of Shamanism under the supervision of Robert Rient, where I support the module on songs. I take care of young people during camps in nature and the talent academy. Co-creator of the course “Głos reclaimed” (online), the play “Dźwój Bogini” (Scena Supernova), the project “Astrobaśnienie” (YouTube) and the distinguished film “Świat do remont” (SmogLab). You can hear me here:
Selected trainings and projects that have developed my practice: Vocal Freedom with Uria Tsur (Warsaw 2023), Voice Tale Speaking Song with Ditte Berkeley (Wrocław 2023), Retransmisje: piosenka reemigrantów with Zespołem Łada (Krakow 2021), Prastara Sztuka Opowiadania (online 2024), Joanna Słowińska’s singing group (Krakow 2019-2023), Elemental portals with Divana Claridad (San Cristobal 2022).

Mantra Ziemia