“LET’S TALK TENDERLY” – the body asked. CYCLE 8 Dance and Development WORKSHOPS for Women. – Jagoda Kiczyńska/ start: October 26

Dear Woman, Little Woman, Girl. Do you want to talk to your body?

To hear what it has to say to you? To express in movement what is alive in you? To give yourself time for yourself, just for yourself? To dance, to be silly, to be moved… to feel whatever appears?

If so, then with emotion, joy and excitement I invite you to a series of 8 meetings in a permanent, female group. There will be so much going on! It will be tender 🙂

You don’t need to have any dance experience. If you feel that you want to enter into an intimate dialogue with your body – this is something for you.

During the meetings we discuss the following topics (the plan may change slightly depending on the needs of the group):

26.10. INTEGRATION. We will get to know each other, get used to each other and the space. We will move, be silly 🙂

2.11. MY BODY, MY HOME. We will settle, settle into our bodies. Listen to the story it has to tell us.

9.11. BODY AS METAPHOR. How does it feel when a rushing river flows through your body? What is it like to be like overcooked pasta or to rise and fall at the same time?

16.11. DRAWING: PAINTED BY DANCE. In this meeting we will use drawing to enrich our movement expression and to integrate what happened during the dance.

23.11 ME, YOU, WE: BODY IN RELATIONSHIP. How do you feel when your body enters into a relationship with another person? Do you prefer to be in the center of the room, on the edges, or somewhere in between?

30.11. SHAPES. This week we will experience how the shape our body takes affects the emotions and sensations that appear in us.

7.12. BODY THAT TRUSTED. What supports my sense of security and trust? How do I feel trust in my body?

14.12. CONCLUSION, SUMMARY, CELEBRATION. This probably doesn’t require any explanation 🙂

* Date to be agreed with the group

WHEN: 9:30 – 11:00**

WHERE: Contact, Space of Movement, Music and Dance. Ul. Szpitalna 40, Krakow.


REGISTRATION: czulecialo@gmail.com

** Why Saturday mornings?

Mornings, because I want us to meet with fresh energy. Not tired, after a whole day of work, when it’s already dark and gray outside. Saturdays, because I want you to be able to take part in the workshops, even if you go to work every day during the week. If you have a weekend trip planned and miss a meeting – that’s also ok.

You can reserve your place by paying a deposit of PLN 222. The number of places is limited, due to your comfort in the room. The series of meetings will take place if at least 10 people gather. The deposit is non-refundable, unless we do not gather a group – in which case I will inform you about it by 25.10 and return the money.

If you feel that something is calling you here, but you have doubts or want to ask me something – contact me and we will talk 🙂

A FEW WORDS ABOUT ME: My name is Jagoda. In dance and movement, I am most interested in the relationship between the body and emotions. Dance moves me. When I move, I feel that I am alive.

I also feel my limitations in dance, difficulties that manifest in movement. When I feel like dancing, it is a sign for me that I am in a good place – that life energy is flowing through me. When I don’t feel this energy – dance helps me awaken it.

When I dance, sometimes I am tender and delicate, sometimes crazy and wild. I like fooling around, having fun, I like listening and being attentive. I like giving and taking.

I have been dancing for as long as I can remember, and 5 years ago I discovered the therapeutic power of dance and began to perceive the body as a tool through which we experience reality.

I have participated in many different workshops, courses and festivals, including the Improvisation Methodology Workshop and the Choreography and Movement Composition Workshop with Iwona Olszowska, the Improvisation, Physical Theatre and Therapeutic Dance Course with Alicja Miszczor, Radical Somatics in Contact Improvisation with Christiane Cole. I am a graduate of the Dance Therapy and Movement Analysis Techniques Course at the IBA Dance and Movement Therapy Centre. Together with Agata Moląg, I run dance classes for people with Parkinson’s disease.

In my workshops I use exercises that anyone can do, regardless of experience or lack thereof. We dance solo and with others. I draw inspiration for conducting classes from, among others, intuitive dance, contact improvisation, GAGA language, Dance Movement Therapy.