Movement from Feeling – workshops 3h / Joanna Książkiewicz / 21.11, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

MOVEMENT FROM FEELING – 3h workshop / Joanna Książkiewicz

The relationship with our own body is an extraordinary relationship. Our body will always be with us, it will not leave us until death, and there is no doubt that we are made for each other;) It is a relationship that we create at every moment of our life – every step we take affects it, creates anew, it is an opportunity to deepen it and change it. It is full of treasures, adventures, dramas, intricate and simple paths.
As in any account, in the vortex of everyday life, we do not always find time to look at it and check it:
what’s going on between us what does the body need but also … what can it give us?
There are a staggering amount of gifts, we often unpack their piles in class … we are surprised that the needs are fulfilled almost simultaneously with hearing them, and ultimately come down to the basics – the need to be embedded in the body, safety, pleasure, touch and fullness. mindfulness of contact with another person. These workshops are one way to give yourself this time.

I invite you to take the first or subsequent steps in building a deep, full acceptance of the relationship with your body – through the processes of soothing, gentle unblocking, expression and return to your own power.

The road leads through:
– deepening body awareness
– conscious movement in harmony with the nature of the body
– free, improvised dance that allows you to go beyond the known patterns
– (co-) working with the body – attentive, soothing touch, supporting in “recovering” the body and feeling and establishing authentic contact.

With mindfulness, gentleness, respect for the body and its hidden needs, we will plunge into conscious, free movement – one that:
– it will help to release the tension accumulated in the body
– will open you to feeling pleasure
– deeply relaxes, reduces the effects of everyday stress
– will reveal a new perspective for your perception of the body – its needs, injuries, problems
– it can both indicate a problem and be a tool for solving it.

We will guide our attention through the layers and structures of our body, using working with experimental anatomy as a way – to awaken movement in harmony with the nature of the body.

We will open ourselves to the pleasure that comes from such a movement, to the exploration of a new perspective of perceiving the body, processes taking place in it, including injuries and problems.

Through self-massage and gentle touch, we will learn how to trust our hands, how to give and receive such attentive touch, taking care of our limits. We allow ourselves to take advantage of the support that can be given to us by another person.

By remaining aware of what is happening inside us, we will meet the other person. In silence, in music, in a dance that will be a natural development of conscious movement. we will open ourselves to the joy of contact, to the power of experiencing together as a group. The pleasure that comes from free movement, from moving frozen areas of the body, from discovering new forms of movement. By observing the relationship that develops between us, we will examine what presence in contact means for us, capturing the moments when we really meet and those when something blocks us from meeting here and now. Together we will look for alignment and flow.

By examining the connection of mind and movement, we will touch (with the whole body;)) topics:

-> strength flowing from gentleness, subtlety
-> freedom of choice – by breaking patterns, dominant patterns of movement – maybe they block the development of others?
-> play-activated superpower
-> balance between improvisation and finding oneself in the structure
-> differences between taking, receiving, giving and allowing

We move in silence and with music. There will be space to share what we have experienced in the circle.

For whom?
I believe that conscious movement is a good that we can all benefit from – regardless of fitness, experience with movement or blockages in the head and other parts of us 🙂 Come if you feel this ‘call’ while reading this description 🙂
Important – you do not have to be a dancer, you do not have to have experience in consciously working with the body yet. I am happy to invite people who “have never done such things” to my classes;)
If you have them and you are immersed in this world not until today – also invite you.
Each encounter with the body and feeling is another step to deepen this relationship 🙂
Each group process carries its own unique power.

Contact. The space of 40 Szpitalna Street
21.11 (Sunday), 6.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

70 PLN


If you have doubts whether you can take part in the workshop – write!

Moderator: Joanna Książkiewicz
I love to listen to the wisdom of the body, to move, dance, connect. I draw strength from singing, dancing and contact with nature. It amazes me how the paths of our movement reveal and help to transform what is playing in our mind and soul. I love traditional songs, discovering the secrets of the human body, myths and the other side of a fairy tale.

I’ve been dancing since the age of 7 years of age, for 8 years she has been immersed in conscious work with the body. I am a graduate of psychology, a student of the two-year process psychology study. Currently in the process of certification for the Somatic Movement Educator according to the Body Mind Centering method ((BMC Certification Program, Movimiento Atlas, Zaragoza) and the Movement Analysis course according to the Laban-Bartenieff System (Moves into Life). participation in classes of various dance techniques, methods of working with the body I run my own workshops of free dance and body work as well as regular classes of taming improvisation and body awareness in Krakow.