(english below)
Zapraszamy na wyjątkowe warsztaty pełne muzyki i zabawy z muzyką. Stwórzmy wyjątkowe i niepowtarzalne, bo nasze własne kompozycje – poprzez pieśni, taniec i tradycyjne ludowe gry
i zabawy wokalne.
Bazą do naszych wokalno-instrumentalnych poszukiwań będzie muzyka z północnej Ameryki – (włączając w to pieśni z obszaru anglo-afrykańskiego, rdzenno- amerykańskiego i z rejonu Karaibów).
Warsztat również obejmie czarujące dziecięce piosenki i ludowe gry muzyczne z Meksyku, Brazylii Nowej Zelandii, Japonii oraz Bliskiego Wschodu.
Przedstawiony repertuar będzie się głównie opierał na śpiewaniu pieśni. Granie na instrumentach nie jest wymagane, ale mile widziani będą gitarzyści, perkusiści oraz inni instrumentaliści, którzy chcieliby przyłączyć się do nas ze swoimi instrumentami aby wspólnie stworzyć oryginalne pieśni.
Nowatorska metoda pracy Joan ułatwi nam szybką naukę tekstów w obcym języku.
Wszyscy uczestnicy dostaną nuty z tłumaczeniem oraz fonetyką.
Zapowiadają się 2 dni pełne muzyki… – Jak wiemy muzyka łagodzi obyczaje, leczy duszę, daje radość… A już wspólne śpiewanie i tworzenie muzyki daje tego całego dobra dwa razy więcej. Przyjdźcie, razem wyczarujmy śpiewem niepowtarzalne muzyczne światy. Nie może Was zabraknąć! 🙂
Joan Litman (New Jersey, USA)
Jestem zawodowym profesorem muzyki, dyrektorką chóru, oraz profesorką specjalizującą się w tradycyjnej i multikulturowej muzyce.
Jestem szczególnie zaangażowana w budowanie mostów zaufania i wzajemnej wymiany kulturalnych wartości pomiędzy ludźmi z Bliskiego Wschodu, Ameryki Łacińskej i światem zachodnim
Do dzisiejszego dnia studiuje języki obce, podróżuje i robi warsztaty muzyczne na całym świecie.
Poniżej dotychczasowy dorobek oraz osiągnięcia zawodowe Joan:
Current and recent positions in choral direction:
Cantigas Women’s Choir, New Jersey: Founder/Artistic Director
40 voice amateur vocal ensemble dedicated to the performance of Western Classical
music and world traditional song. 2002-present www.cantigas.net
United Nations International School Mothers Choir: Founder and Musical Director
United Nations International School (childrens’ choruses) 2002-2013
Recent international presentations and/ choral residencies:
Doha, Qatar 2017
Guadalajara, Mexico 2016
Buenos Aires, Argentina 2016, 2014
Santiago, Dominican Republic 2015, 2014
Hong Kong, 2011
Tokyo, Japan 2011
Damascus, Syria 2010, 2011
Las Palmas, Spain 2010
Academic Year positions
(Teaching) 2015-present Artist-in Residence, Mustard Seed School, Hoboken, NJ
Founder, Mustard Seed School. Director of Music Emerita
2002-2013 United Nations International School: New York City
World music specialist, curriculum development, classroom and choral music
1979-2002 Mustard Seed School, New Jersey. Founder and Director of Music.
As the co-founder of a small urban, independent school, I have acted in many capacities
beyond the classroom including donor development, admissions, curriculum
development, translator for Spanish speaking parents and children, hiring and mentor to
new teachers of all academic disciplines.
Recent Summer Adjunct Positions:
University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico 2016
New York University, 2014, 2015 Kodaly Summer Institute
Conservatorio de música, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 2010
Capital University, Ohio, Kodaly Institute at Capital- Graduate level teacher training for
Kodaly Methodology, solfege and folk song analysis (1992-2008)
Masters in Music Education*, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio 2002
curriculum research, folk song analysis, choral conducting
State of California Teaching Certification (Music educ. and social studies)
Loyola University, Los Angeles, California 1972
B.A., Sociology, University of Georgia 1972
Concurrent Coursework:
1978-1984 Kodaly* Center of America, Massachusetts (Certification)
1982, 1986, Kodaly Pedagogical Institute, Kecskemet, Hungary
*The philosophy and pedagogy of Hungarian composer Zoltan Kodaly (1882-1967) is the
foundation of these music courses and degrees.
Organization of American Kodaly Educators, Washington, D.C.
Educator of the Year (National award in music education ) 2009
Education on the Cutting Edge (Iran) Newsletter of the Middle Eastern Outreach Council
Singing Bach in Tehran Music Education in Contemporary Iran
The Envoy, Journal of American Kodaly Educators 2005
Caravan of Song (unpublished) An anthology of Persian, Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish
Folk Songs in cultural context to be completed in 2018.
Recent professional development
Dar al Islam Teachers Institute, Abiquiu, NM 2017
Gullah Voices Summer Fellow, Savannah, Georgia
National Endowment for the Humanities 2015
Mediterranean Voices, Girona, Spain 2013
Arabic singing, Elias Zayat, Damascus Syria 2010
Middle Eastern Music and Dance Camp: Summer study in Arabic, Turkish, Persian,
Armenian traditional song and folk dance. Mendocino, California 2005-2008. Maqqam
studies, Persian dance, Arabic percussion and cultural context.
Travel in the Middle East : Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,
Additional Travel: So.Africa, Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay
Academic study leave (UNIS): Residency in Damascus, Syria 2010-2011
Language Study
Modern Standard Arabic (Beginning and Intermediate), New York University 2016, 2011
Conversational Levantine Arabic, Damascus, Syria 2010-2011
Advanced conversational Spanish, Buenos Aires 2016
Introductory Persian, New York 2004- 2005
Introductory Arabic, New York University 2002-2003
Language fluency: English (mother tongue), Spanish
Weekend 17 i 18 marca
– 17 marca, sobota – godz. 19:00 – 21:00
– 18 marca, niedziela – godz. 11:00 – 19:00
*przerwa obiadowa: 14:30 – 15:30
Kwota: 160 zł
* dla uczestników „Chóru w Kontakcie”: 110 zł
(W tytule prosimy wpisać: Warsztaty muzyczne z Joan)
* UWAGA! ZALICZKĘ w kwocie 50 zł należy wpłacić na konto podane w mailu zwrotnym. 🙂
Miejsce: Kontakt Przestrzeń Ruchu i Tańca, ul. Szpitalna 40, 1 p. Kraków
English version:
International music making workshop
This presentation will offer two joyful days of international music
making; in song, dance, and with traditional singing games.
Repertoire will feature well loved music of the United States,
including, Anglo and African American, Native American, and
Carribbean songs. The workshop will also present enchanting
children’s songs and singing games from Mexico, Brazil, New
Zealand, Japan and the Middle East .
All of the repertoire presented will be based in song. Playing an
instrument is not necessary, however guitarists, percussionists and
other instrumentalists are welcome to bring their instruments and
join in; enriching the fabric of these songs and making them uniquely
their own.
Language helps and enjoyable pedagogical strategies will ease the
challenge of learning the lyrics of lesser familiar (or unknown)
All participants will receive scores, with translations and
pronunciation guides.
Joan Litman
I am a career music teacher, choral director and teacher trainer with specialization in
traditional, multicultural music education. I am particularly committed to building
bridges of interest and trust between people of the Middle East, Latin America and the
West. To this end I have read, studied language, traveled and presented to educators in
the USA and abroad. I am a native of California.
Current and recent positions in choral direction:
Cantigas Women’s Choir, New Jersey: Founder/Artistic Director
40 voice amateur vocal ensemble dedicated to the performance of Western Classical
music and world traditional song. 2002-present www.cantigas.net
United Nations International School Mothers Choir: Founder and Musical Director
United Nations International School (childrens’ choruses) 2002-2013
Recent international presentations and/ choral residencies:
Doha, Qatar 2017
Guadalajara, Mexico 2016
Buenos Aires, Argentina 2016, 2014
Santiago, Dominican Republic 2015, 2014
Hong Kong, 2011
Tokyo, Japan 2011
Damascus, Syria 2010, 2011
Las Palmas, Spain 2010
Academic Year positions
(Teaching) 2015-present Artist-in Residence, Mustard Seed School, Hoboken, NJ
Founder, Mustard Seed School. Director of Music Emerita
2002-2013 United Nations International School: New York City
World music specialist, curriculum development, classroom and choral music
1979-2002 Mustard Seed School, New Jersey. Founder and Director of Music.
As the co-founder of a small urban, independent school, I have acted in many capacities
beyond the classroom including donor development, admissions, curriculum
development, translator for Spanish speaking parents and children, hiring and mentor to
new teachers of all academic disciplines.
Recent Summer Adjunct Positions:
University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico 2016
New York University, 2014, 2015 Kodaly Summer Institute
Conservatorio de música, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 2010
Capital University, Ohio, Kodaly Institute at Capital- Graduate level teacher training for
Kodaly Methodology, solfege and folk song analysis (1992-2008)
Masters in Music Education*, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio 2002
curriculum research, folk song analysis, choral conducting
State of California Teaching Certification (Music educ. and social studies)
Loyola University, Los Angeles, California 1972
B.A., Sociology, University of Georgia 1972
Concurrent Coursework:
1978-1984 Kodaly* Center of America, Massachusetts (Certification)
1982, 1986, Kodaly Pedagogical Institute, Kecskemet, Hungary
*The philosophy and pedagogy of Hungarian composer Zoltan Kodaly (1882-1967) is the
foundation of these music courses and degrees.
Organization of American Kodaly Educators, Washington, D.C.
Educator of the Year (National award in music education ) 2009
Education on the Cutting Edge (Iran) Newsletter of the Middle Eastern Outreach Council
Singing Bach in Tehran Music Education in Contemporary Iran
The Envoy, Journal of American Kodaly Educators 2005
Caravan of Song (unpublished) An anthology of Persian, Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish
Folk Songs in cultural context to be completed in 2018.
Recent professional development
Dar al Islam Teachers Institute, Abiquiu, NM 2017
Gullah Voices Summer Fellow, Savannah, Georgia
National Endowment for the Humanities 2015
Mediterranean Voices, Girona, Spain 2013
Arabic singing, Elias Zayat, Damascus Syria 2010
Middle Eastern Music and Dance Camp: Summer study in Arabic, Turkish, Persian,
Armenian traditional song and folk dance. Mendocino, California 2005-2008. Maqqam
studies, Persian dance, Arabic percussion and cultural context.
Travel in the Middle East : Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,
Additional Travel: So.Africa, Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay
Academic study leave (UNIS): Residency in Damascus, Syria 2010-2011
Language Study
Modern Standard Arabic (Beginning and Intermediate), New York University 2016, 2011
Conversational Levantine Arabic, Damascus, Syria 2010-2011
Advanced conversational Spanish, Buenos Aires 2016
Introductory Persian, New York 2004- 2005
Introductory Arabic, New York University 2002-2003
Language fluency: English (mother tongue), Spanish
Weekend 17 i 18 th March
17 th March, Saturday – 19:00 – 21:00 hour
18 th March, Sunday – 11:00 – 19:00 hour
lunch break: 14:30 – 15:30
Price: 160 zł
* for the „Choir in Kontakt”: 110 zł
*(Type in the titel: WORKSHOPS WITH JOAN)
* Please pay advance 50 zł on bank account which we will sand You back in return E-mail. 🙂
Place: Kontakt Przestrzeń Ruchu i Tańca, Szpitalna street number 40, 1 floor Kraków