SAMBA DE GAFIEIRA (w parach) NOWOŚĆ! – Sandra Ruthes / Guilherme Rolim z Brazylii / start: 22.10

SAMBA DE  GAFIEIRA – Sandra Ruthes and Guilherme Rolim (z Brazylii)

poniedziałki, godz. 18:30 – 19:30 / start: 22.10
Te zajęcia prowadzone są przez rasowych Brazylijczyków i na ogniście brazylijską modłę!  Nie będziemy skupiać się tylko na figurach, zabierzemy Was w fascynującą podróż do świata pełnego kolorów, ekspresji, rytmu, w podróż,  podczas której  nauczycie się bliskości, wejdziecie w głęboką relację ze swoimi tanecznymi parterami, będziecie odkrywali muzykę i bawili się rytmami, zbudujecie język ciała i jakość ruchów w odniesieniu do brazylijskiej kultury samby.  Nie ma zmiłuj, to jest Samba! 😉
Enlish version:

About classes:

On Samba de gafieira we will learn how to dance samba in couples like brazilians do in the gafieira balls. We do not focus our teaching just in the figures we invite you to a journey where you`re learning how to establish a rich relationship with your dancing partner, explore  the music, build the body language and movement qualities that compose brazilian samba culture.

About teachers:

* Sandra Ruthes is teaching dance since 1996. She started her career in UFPR university as an auxiliar

teacher on the social dancing discipline of the physical education course. She has a postgraduate degree in

sport pedagogy by UFPR university and postgraduate degree in social dances by FAMEC university. Sandra

is also graduated by MTG national association for gaúcha social dances.

Sandra is the author of “Music for social dances” book and DJ graduated by AIMEC International electronic

music academy.

Sandra is frequently invited to teach, play or judge on the most relevant events in Brazil like Dançando à

bordo, Baila Floripa, Baila Costão, Forró da Lua, Rota dos Famosos, Copa Brasil de Forró, entre outros. She

is also a manage partner of iDance dancing school acting as teacher and pedagogy coordinator.

* Guilherme Rolim

Guilherme Rolim is from Curitiba – Brazil, graduated in Electronic Engineering and started his dancing

studies still at the university in 1998. He played a relevant role in the founding of important dancing

schools in Curitiba like Oito tempos, Centro de dança Jaime Arôxa – PR, Instituto 7&8 de dança de

salão. He has been teaching dance since 2002 and attending events, courses, and improvement

workshops, constantly studying couple dancing. Today he is the founders of iDance dancing school, on

which he is a teacher and administrative director.

Guilherme Teaches Forró, Samba de Gafieira, Bolero, Soltinho, Sertanejo, Zouk, Salsa and Merengue.

His classes focus the relationship between the dancing couple and their relationship with the music.