Jagoda Kiczyńska

A FEW WORDS ABOUT ME: My name is Jagoda. In dance and movement, I am most interested in the relationship between the body and emotions. Dance moves me. When I move, I feel alive.

I also feel my limitations and difficulties in dance, which manifest in movement. When I feel like dancing, it is a sign to me that I am in a good place – that life energy is flowing through me. When I do not feel this energy – dance helps me awaken it.

When I dance, sometimes I am tender and delicate, sometimes crazy and wild. I like fooling around, having fun, I like listening and being attentive. I like to give and take.

I have been dancing for as long as I can remember, and 5 years ago I discovered the therapeutic power of dance and began to perceive the body as a tool with which we experience reality.

I have participated in many different workshops, courses and festivals, including: in the Workshops on Improvisation Methodology and the Workshops on Choreography and Movement Composition with Iwona Olszowska, in the Course on Movement Composition, Contemporary Dance and Therapeutic Dance with Alicja Miszczor, Radical Somatics in Contact Improvisation with Christiane Cole. I am a graduate of the Course on Dance Therapy Techniques and Movement Analysis at the IBA Dance and Movement Therapy Centre. Together with Agata Moląg, I run dance classes for people with Parkinson’s disease.

In my workshops, I use exercises that anyone can do, regardless of experience or lack thereof. We dance solo and with others. I draw inspiration for running classes from, among others, intuitive dance, contact improvisation, GAGA language, Dance Movement Therapy.