We cordially invite you to the SPRING edition of the morning course:
April 15, 2025 – June 24, 2025
Tuesdays 10:00-11:30

The course is a great option to deepen friendship with your body in the spring period and provide it with nutrients in the form of authentic movement/dance expression, creative, nourishing action, as well as battery-charging meditation, meditation in movement and mindfulness training.

Before you read the description, we invite you to watch the video testimonials of the course participants:

And interviews with the course leader:

(1) How do movement, senses, and fine arts combine into play? – YouTube

Written opinions of participants:

And the leader in action:

And a recording of the classes (open group):


THE MOST IMPORTANT INFO (goal and methods):

This course is a land of caloric creativity and a celebration of expression, but also a mindful journey for the body and soul. A journey in which you not only discover and deepen your dancing skills, but also strengthen the bridge between the psyche and the body, get to know yourself anew, receive support and reinforcement, and have the opportunity to see your potential anew. All this through: fun, movement expression techniques, deep experience of yourself through the body, as well as reflection and stopping.

The course also gives you the opportunity to: “catch” new perspectives on perceiving yourself, your body and the world, as well as a powerful training of imagination, thinking outside the box, getting out of your overly analytical head, returning to your body and feeling.

You will receive here primarily tools from the fields of: broadly understood contemporary dance (mainly from dance improvisation and physical theatre), therapeutic dance, meditative dance, body awareness training. You will also get to know or deepen such methods as: Authentic Movement, Dr Detlef Kappert’s method, elements of Anna Halprin’s method, the original Interart Dance method (including the Dancing Brushes method), elements of Skinner Releasing Technique. There will also be elements of Yoga, Qi Gong and relaxation techniques. You can also expect combining fields of art and working with props.

In this course, dance intertwines with other fields of art and with movement expression techniques and mindfulness training. The course program is unique, rich and very eclectic. It is also characterized by taking into account the needs of participants.

So that you feel safe, know that the course is led by a person with twenty years of experience in bodywork and love for what he does, and the grounding in specific bodywork methods gives a balanced and conscious approach to both the subject of dance and personal development.

Additional strong advantages of the course are: stationary mode, regularity, at which you have the chance to actually learn the proposed topics and go from point A to point B, and a competitive price – taking into account the implemented program and methods.


The course is a process and takes place in a CLOSED FORM, i.e. in a permanent group.

The level of the course is open, and the course itself is designed so that both experienced people and those who are at the stage of becoming friends with their body can benefit from it.


– shape (including gesture)
– movement line
– mental images in dance
– body feeling and senses
– solo, pair and group movement
– basics of voice work
– breathing
– work with pause (stopping)
– timing

– me solo, in a duet and in a group/ me and my space
– boundaries (my ‘yes’, my ‘no’ and my ‘I don’t know’)
– leading and being led
– giving and taking
– dance of male and female energy in me
– lightness and weight in me
– emotions (feeling, expressing, releasing)
– being present in the body (mindfulness training through the body)
– contrasts and their integration (human as a whole)
– archetypes and symbolism of the body in movement and dance
-intuitive writing and painting


During the course we will not cover ALL the topics mentioned to the same extent. The light will fall on the topics that the group needs the most.


-spine mobility
-limb articulation (including lower body animation)
-work from the center
-movement traveling between VERTICAL and FLOOR
-movement qualities (min. tension, weight, impulse, size, level, time, dynamics, space, direction, dynamics)

– Interart Dance, including Dancing Brushes (author’s method)
– Dr. Detlef Kappert’s method
– elements of Anna Halprin’s method (Dance and Gestalt according to Anna Halprin’s Life/Art Process)
– elements of Authentic Movement
– elements of Skinner Releasing Technique

Statements of course participants:

1. “Warm atmosphere and diversity.”
2. “Time of change and transformation.”
3. “Reducing discomfort associated with with pain”
4.,,Amazing experience giving a new perspective on perceiving yourself, your body, other people and your relationships with them and with yourself”.
5.,,Leaving the comfort zone and beaten paths”
6.,,Developing the language of movement”.
7.,,Space of mindfulness, presence in the body, joy and community”
8.,,Joy, expressing emotions, interactions, experimenting, breath, touch, voice, energy (…), being natural and alive.
9. “Opening the body and mind, settling into oneself, wonderful people, shedding the burden of stress (…) sometimes fooling around, and sometimes deep experiences.”
10. “A space where you can express everything that is hidden somewhere deep down.”
11. “Abundance, comfort and surprise.”
12. “I was getting to know my possibilities that I had no idea about.”
13. “I felt myself and others again after experiencing a huge loss in my life.”
15. “The magic of professionalism, the professionalism of magic.”
16. “One of the best improvisation instructors.”


-strengthening the mind-body relationship
-awakening dormant instincts and the vitality and creativity behind them
-smooth communication with yourself and others
-feeling the body and reading its signals
-expanding horizons and scopes: physical and mental
-leaving the beaten tracks
-becoming friends with the senses and the phenomenon of pleasure
-realizing your own potential (not only creative)
-building the ability to act with your psycho-physical state in mind (acceptance)
– yourself as you are (authenticity)
-the present moment
-meeting new people with similar interests and a new side of yourself


Contemporary dance sprouted on the border 19th and 20th centuries, when Isadora Duncan rejected the principles of classical dance, “breaking” its rules. However, the forefather of this movement was Francois Delsarte, who was the first to take a hard look at the feedback between the psyche and the body.
Contemporary dance is (often) spatial and expressive movement, full of expression. It is movement in which the mind and body are one.
Movement that tells a story and can express: an idea, emotions, feelings and everything contained in the mind-body. Its uniqueness and theatricality lies, among others, in movement combined with intention. It is movement in which our entire being manifests itself. In which the personality of the dancer is important and to a large extent determines his individual style. Creating your own movement is here often a very creative process and develops you on many levels.

During dance improvisation classes, which is a field of, among others, contemporary dance, the dancer moves/dances with specific topics/suggestions at their disposal. In these topics, they create movement on their own, just as a person painting a picture decides what will be in the picture. You will not be left to your own devices. We will achieve fluidity in this form of movement step by step.

Therapeutic Dance is an even more free form of movement, where stereotypically understood aesthetics cease to have any significance at all.

We also receive suggestions from the person leading it. The most important thing is to express with the body in any way what we feel and the stories recorded in the body and to realize these experiences.

The intertwining of therapeutic dance with contemporary dance and other disciplines in this course is crucial, because it trains the dancer not only in experiencing and (or) releasing the content recorded in the body, but also in body awareness, motor agility and using form in movement. This form of movement allows the psyche to keep up with the body and facilitates self-expression, making us not get stuck at the level of feeling, associations or imagination, and the physicality both supports the mental sphere and allows us to go deeper into a given process.


– psychotic states
– psychotropic therapy (request a consultation with a doctor)
– advanced pregnancy and very early postpartum period
– various types of inflammatory and acute states
– epilepsy
– glaucoma
– current, untreated injuries

Situations when you need to be careful with yourself:
– high sensitivity to strong stimuli, e.g. loud sounds
– use of pharmacological agents
– general very weak condition of the body
– long-term untreated depression


Both adults with experience and beginners of various ages.

* Info for people who have already been to my course:

The material is never repeated, I always propose new approaches to the topic

The course is for people who are able to attend fairly regularly


Alicja Miszczor: Born in 1982. Lives in Krakow. Movement actress, dancer, improviser, experienced instructor of movement composition, dance improvisation, physical theater. Creator of the “Dry Brushes” method. Certified Hatha Yoga instructor. Scholarship holder of the Alternative Dance Academy in Poznań. Certified Choreotherapy Instructor: Movement Improvisation and Body Symbolism (Institute of Dance and Movement Dynamics/Essen/r. Detlef Kappert). Graduate of PPSKAK in Kalisz, majoring in contemporary dance. From 2008 to 2015, EST dancer with Iwona Olszowska. From 2013 to 2015 she collaborated with the Barakah theatre in Kraków. Author of dance performances and videos. Collaborates with the Kreissau Foundation, where she runs workshops for people with physical and intellectual disabilities. She completed the Course: Dance and Gestalt, Life/Art Process, Anna Halprin. Currently in the course of Master of Coaching.

More info about the host:

YouTube playlist:

FB page:
FB group: Interart Dance. Workshops with Alicja Miszczor
FB video dance group:



Please send only the application according to the instructions:

e-mail address:
-in the title of the message enter: morning course and your name, e.g.: “Morning course Czechowska (this is important)
-in the body of the e-mail describe BRIEFLY your experience with movement and expectations for the course (literally a few sentences), and send your phone number.

Applications not sent according to the instructions will require re-sending.
The reservation of a place is decided by the completed form, a phone conversation with the course leader and the deposit sent.

1. Resignation of the deposit.
After 24 hours from the payment of the deposit, a refund is not possible
2. In very serious unforeseen situations, it is possible to take part in the next edition of the course.
3. I have one free place for a disabled person or a person struggling with a serious illness in a difficult life situation. Please apply with a short cover letter.
4. Note: In the case of a very difficult financial situation, payment in installments is possible. However, please do not abuse this option.
5. During the course, 1 to 2 workshops with an external instructor may take place

-price for early bird, until March 25 – PLN 1,650.
-price after this date: PLN 1,850.

An extremely charming and friendly space in the heart of Krakow:
Contact Space of Movement and Dance
ul. Szpitalna 40, 1st floor, Krakow
(city center, very close to Słowacki Theater and Main Station)
Link to school photo gallery:

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