“I AM WOMAN”. WOMEN’S WORKSHOP + PHOTO SESSION – Dorota Komasa-Grzesiak (Ciało Lubne), Jagoda Kiczyńska (Czułe Ciało) / April 5, 10:00 a.m.

“I AM WOMAN”. WOMEN’S WORKSHOP + PHOTO SESSION – Dorota Komasa-Grzesiak (Ciało Lubne), Jagoda Kiczyńska (Czułe Ciało) / April 5, 10:00

Imagine dancing in the middle of a circle, among other women, and feeling like an absolute GODDESS.

Imagine that your entire body emanates feminine energy and sex appeal, and movement gives you pure pleasure.

Imagine the feeling when you are fully connected to your strength and courage.

What would it be like if you could be every version of yourself and experience unconditional acceptance of women who – just like you – are ready to connect with their essence?

My dear… You can experience this on April 5 at the I AM WOMAN workshop. ❤️

Inspired by Emma Mela’s song, we created an event during which we want to celebrate different versions of our femininity – not only what is stereotypically feminine, but what constitutes our true essence. For each of us, it can mean something different, and that is the most beautiful thing.

“I am woman, I am fearless, I am sexy, I’m divine

I’m unbeatable, I’m creative, honey, you can get in line

I am feminine, I am masculine, I am anything I want”

If you don’t know Emma’s song yet, you can listen to it here:

Supported by the Feminine Cards, intuitive drawing and – above all – dance and movement, we will explore different qualities in ourselves. Embody those we want to strengthen and celebrate those we already identify with.


At a mutually agreed moment, Dorotka will reach for the camera and with her tender gaze from behind the lens, capture you in motion, combined with your feminine power! Don’t worry – you won’t have to pose. Just be yourself. And as a result, you will receive a beautiful portrait of your feminine essence. Sounds too good to be true? But it is!


✨ you want to activate your feminine magnetism

✨ you want to connect with the pleasure and energy of the womb

✨ you want to celebrate yourself in different versions

✨ you want to meet other wonderful women

✨ you want to feel the support of other women as you rediscover yourself

✨ you want to give yourself time just for yourself

✨ you want to dance and move freely

✨ you dream of a beautiful portrait in motion

WHEN? 04/05/2025 (Saturday)

WHAT TIME?10:00 – 13:00 / 14:00 (depending on the number of participants)


Kontaktt, Szpitalna Street 40, Krakow


Early bird until 04/20 – PLN 400

Late bird until 04/30 – PLN 440

After 04/30 – PLN 480

This amount includes participation in the workshop and 3 photos in electronic form, which you will receive within a week.

BONUS – a nice surprise is planned for all participants; more information will be provided soon

To reserve a place, write to czulecialo@gmail.com. A deposit of PLN 50 is required to the account 50 1020 5558 1111 1773 1500 0087, the rest is payable on the spot on the day of the workshop.

❗️If you need an invoice, let us know by email before making the payment.

If you have questions or are wondering if this workshop is for you and want to talk to us about it – also write to czulecialo@gmail.com 🙂


Dorota Komasa-Grzesiak / Ciało Lubne

My name is Dorota. In my work with women, I am most interested in how, through various forms of work with the body, image, symbols, we can discover and reach our potential, rediscover ourselves to become more ourselves and not the person we learned to be. I created the CiałoLubne brand to support women in their personal development taking into account the body as an entity and an integral part of themselves. I teach a conscious relationship with the body through the Mindful Touch of Lomi Lomi Nui massage, Accepting Photo Sessions and cyclical workshops. I gained my competences to work with people, among others, at the Dance Improvisation and Body Symbolism Instructor Course and the Experimental Dance Theatre according to Detlef Kapert, the Holistic Trainers’ School, Lomi Lomi Nui Massage Courses and Conscious Bodywork, numerous workshops in the area of ​​Choreo and Art Therapy, currently I am supplementing my knowledge in the field of Psychology at SWPS University.

Jagoda Kiczyńska / Czułe Ciało

My name is Jagoda. In dance and movement, I am most interested in the relationship between the body and emotions. Dance moves me. When I move, I feel that I am alive. I also feel my limitations and difficulties in dance, which manifest in movement. When I feel like dancing, it is a sign to me that I am in a good place – that life energy is flowing through me. When I do not feel this energy – dance helps me awaken it. When I dance, sometimes I am tender and delicate, sometimes crazy and wild. I like fooling around, having fun, I like listening and being attentive. I like to give and take. I have been dancing for as long as I can remember, and 5 years ago I discovered the therapeutic power of dance and began to perceive the body as a tool with which we experience reality. I have participated in many different workshops, courses and festivals, including: in the Workshops on Improvisation Methodology and the Workshops on Choreography and Movement Composition with Iwona Olszowska, in the Course on Movement Composition, Contemporary Dance and Therapeutic Dance with Alicja Miszczor, Radical Somatics in Contact Improvisation with Christiane Cole. I completed the Course on Dance Therapy Techniques and Movement Analysis at the IBA Dance and Movement Therapy Centre. Together with Agata Moląg, I run dance classes for people with Parkinson’s disease. In my workshops, I use exercises that anyone can do, regardless of experience or lack thereof. We dance solo and with others. I draw inspiration for running classes from, among others, intuitive dance, contact improvisation, GAGA language, Dance Movement Therapy.