11 i 12 lutego warsztaty Warsztaty wokalne – VOICE TALE (Speaking Song) – Ditte Berkeley. Zapraszamy Was ciepło! :)

VOICE TALE (Speaking Song) – wyjątkowe warsztaty wokalne z Ditte Berkeley!!! (DK / UK).
– 11 i 12 lutego
P.S. Ilość miejsc ograniczona do 15! – nie zwlekajcie zatem z zapisywaniem! 🙂
Voice Tale
(Speaking Song)
A voice has a tale to tell. In fact, the voice has a million tales to tell, depending on the song it’s singing, the experiences it goes through, the person who is listening, the sounds surrounding it, the state I, who am singing, am in.
As an actress I enter into a dialogue with my voice every time I sing a song. I ask how are we going to sing this today? What about this sound, how does it feel? What does it say? What tale does it tell? The exploration takes me further and brings more questions. This is the work of the performer that wishes to make the song a tool for a very deep exchange of experience between the singer and the listener. The voice is naked, and allows us to share on a level that we are not used to and often feel unsure in. The exploration of its boarders and its connections with the physical experience, with images, with associations, makes richer our tools for communication and allows for a space of discovery.
The work session focuses on an exploration into our own voices and our voices reflected and fused in the voices of others. The strength of standing confident with the sound of our own voice, exploring its richness and building the foundation to support it, through breath, physical support, imagination. Discovering its strength when appearing singly, and power when it adds to the richness of a common sound created by other voices.
Language of workshop: English
Max number of participants: 15
About Ditte:
Ditte Berkeley (DK/UK) was brought up in Spain. Graduated from Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama in London in 2001.
She has since been a leading actress and co-creator in Teatr ZAR theatre company based in Wroclaw, Poland. She performs in all of Teatr ZAR’s performances and has taken part in their numerous expeditions since the company was founded. Performances include the triptych Gospels of Childhood, Cesaerean Section and Anhelli. The Calling and their latest production Armine, Sister.
Performer in the theatre project “Unfinished palace, moving people, floating borders/European songlines” in 2016 under the direction of Stephan Stroux.
She is a researcher in the field of voice at the Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw since 2006. As well as being a theatre practitioner she was initiator and artistic director of the cyclical VoicEncounters festival in Wroclaw. In 2009 she was co-organizer of the international Festival “Giving Voice”, in collaboration with CPR (Wales).
Has collaborated with Studio Matejka during the research period of 2010-2013 as voice supervisor and trainer.
Leads various workshops with Teatr ZAR, such as “Into the Sound”, and is currently engaged in the vocal research line of the BodyConstitution program at the Grotowski Institute.
Leader of her independent workshop “Voice Tale (Speaking Song)” both in Poland and internationally.
Szczegóły wydarzenia:
kiedy: 11 i 12 lutego
– sotota 11 lutego, godz. 14.00 – 16.00 / 16.30 – 18.30
– niedziela 12 lutego, godz. 10.00 – 13.00 / 15.00 – 18.00
koszt warsztatów:
do 1 lutego: 240 zł / UWAGA PROMOCJA!!! 🙂
po 1 lutym: 270 zł
* Zaliczkę w wysokości: 50 zł – wraz z potwierdzeniem przelewu na maila: info@kontaktprzestrzen.pl – prosimy wpłacić na konto:
38 1240 4650 1111 0010 4841 5542
miejsce: Kontakt Przestrzeń Ruchu i Tańca, ul. Szpitalna 40,
I piętro, Kraków
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Głos ma moc! – Niech ta moc będzie z Wami! 🙂
zdjęcie: Piotr Nykowski Poza Okiem / Fotografia Teatralna.